Adoption 201

Adoption 201 is a pre-adoption preparation and education course designed to fully immerse prospective adoptive parents into the world of adoption prior to the screening process while helping them to build a community around themselves for support during and after the process.
Adoption has unique challenges for parents and children, especially transracial adoption and cross-cultural adoption. It’s vital to understand the nuances of adoption and be prepared for how to parent an adopted child with full understanding of how adoption impacts a child’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being.
Parents who are properly prepared, educated and supported with research-based and experientially informed resources will have the tools to fully empower their adopted child and nurture their identity.
This course consists of 3 virtual morning workshops held over 3 months (1 per month), and a virtual evening segment. Attendees of this course will also receive resources.
Fee: R 3000 per person or R 3800 per couple for the full course.
Workshop Information: Round 2
Session ONE
The first session is an exploration of the legislation that pertains to adoption in South Africa, and how children become adoptable. We look at the different circumstances that lead to adoption and hear real stories of children who were placed for adoption.
Individual motivations and expectations of adoption and adoptive parenting are explored in terms of how this impacts on the child’s well-being and identity development. This leads to a discussion on what it means to be adoptee-centred.
We look at the Adoption Triad and how to be prepared for the ‘hard work’ of adoptive parenting.
09:00 am - 11:00 am
Virtual via Zoom
Facilitators: Ruth dos Santos & Nompumelelo Mchunu
Session TWO
The second session will be an in-depth look at the trauma of adoption and how children experience grief and loss due to this trauma. We discuss attachment strategies and interventions to facilitate secure attachment, as well as how the environment in-utero impacts on attachment and development post-relinquishment.
We talk about therapeutic interventions and what to expect over the child’s journey of infancy, childhood, adolescence and into adulthood.
Session two also includes a segment from our REAL STORIES Series. This segment is real interviews with adult transracial adoptees who speak openly about their lived experiences of being adopted outside of their race and culture of origin. Elevating the voices of adoptees is essential for the continual learning and evolution of adoption practices and education, as well as hearing their stories in order to better prepare potential adopters for their adoption journey.
More than that, adoptee stories help us to understand how adoptees experience the world through the lens of their adoption story. Validating their stories, and ensuring that they are seen and heard keeps them at the pinnacle of the adoption triad as the most deserving of our understanding and consideration.
09:00 am - 13:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Speakers: Mandy Matthews, Barbara Cooper, Amy van Schoor
Adoptees: Melissa Guida Richards, Adam Goodman, Isaac Etter & Thandi Kuo
Session THREE
Session three hones in on the importance of race and culture in adoption.
During this segment we explore race and culture in adoption and why it’s an essential part of identity. Through a facilitated dialogue we look at our own racial biases, attitudes and ideas and our understanding of culture and its value in raising children through adoption.
This workshop also seeks to bring understanding of racial trauma and the effects of this on the identity formation of adopted people.
We wrap up this session with a discussion about how to build a solid community around your family, where to seek support and the importance of continual education and willingness to do the hard work.
09:00 am - 12.30 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Speakers: Justin Foxton & Melissa Guida Richards
Session FOUR
We host a virtual segment covering the following topics in detail in order to allow prospective adoptive parents to have all the information at hand before making decisions on their adoption parameters:
- Older child adoption (12+ months)
- How to deal with a lack of information
- Considering special needs adoption (the spectrum)
- An experiential piece on intergenerational trauma
19:00 - 21.30 pm
Virtual via Zoom
Speakers: The Adoption Companion & Savanthika Pillay
We host 2 rounds of Adoption 201 annually.
Round 1 is closed and complete and Round 2 will take place on the above dates.
Join the Companionship

The heart of The Adoption Companion is to champion, strengthen and journey with every person and family that we connect with.
39 Inanda Road, Hillcrest,
Albany, 3610